Nine Kids?

“Really? You have nine kids? You know what causes that don’t you?”

Above is the usual response when someone finds out that I have nine children. Sometime I get very positive responses and occasionally borderline, if not outright, offensive responses, mostly though, just disbelief then a question about my awareness of human reproduction. I have a few pat responses that I use, depending on the person and their comment, but I never try to explain. People who are incredulous don’t want or care about why.

Continue reading Nine Kids?

Really, Back From The Dead?

So, I have been working in my free time on a couple of other web sites. While I have been working on those I would stop by here just to keep everything up to date, but not to write any new posts. I have had ideas about things I could write about but I haven’t done it. Just now I logged in to update some plugins and realized that it has been a year and a half since I wrote that maybe this is back from the dead. Not so much I guess.

I do plan on reviving this, although at this point I am the only visitor. I do have some ideas for things to write about, I just need to sit down and do it. Hopefully this time is the real deal and this blog is alive again.

Back From The Dead?

Recently I happened to run into two of my teachers from high school. I sat and talked to them for several minutes, it was very nice. Of course they were amazed at the fact that I have nine kids (at the time number nine was still on the way). Part of what they told me is that I should be writing down the things that go on in my family. I have decided that I would revive this blog, which really was just me playing to see what WordPress was all about.

So, hopefully, in the coming weeks, months, years, this will be an active place full of Cordry memories and stories.

Hope to see you again soon.

Hangin’ With the Felons

It is time for me to go spend ten hours with the felons again. Putting on my uniform helps get my mind in the right place for work. I hop into my pick-up and take the twenty minute drive out to The Lincoln Correctional Center. Although Lincoln is in the title of the place it is outside the city limits. I soon have corn fields all around me, and then there is the prison. The place is both intriguing and uninteresting. Set far back from the road, the building seems to jump out at me from the surrounding corn fields. I arrive at the place I spend forty or more hours of my week.

Continue reading Hangin’ With the Felons

Inside Shorthand

Since Noah has been born I have been delivering papers everyday. I have been the one to keep track of who starts and stops and who is on vacation. It has been interesting but I have been doing ok. Well Noah is starting to do better sleeping though the night now so Vern should be coming back to do papers every soon (I hope). Well the other day I over slept and didn’t pick up the papers until a little after 5:00, not nearly early enough to get them all delivered by 6. After Melanie and I delivered the driving part of our route Vern took Melanie and walked the second part and I walked the first part. Vern calls me and has a question about who all gets the paper on Cooper. My response was “Do four skip two cross the street do one skip two do the rest back to the van.” Do I know what the house numbers are? No. Do I have any idea what the subscriber’s names are? Nope. Can I tell you which houses get the paper? Absolutely!