Back From The Dead?

Recently I happened to run into two of my teachers from high school. I sat and talked to them for several minutes, it was very nice. Of course they were amazed at the fact that I have nine kids (at the time number nine was still on the way). Part of what they told me is that I should be writing down the things that go on in my family. I have decided that I would revive this blog, which really was just me playing to see what WordPress was all about.

So, hopefully, in the coming weeks, months, years, this will be an active place full of Cordry memories and stories.

Hope to see you again soon.

Thats my dad

My son, Zachary, was about 18 months old when I was called to active duty in January of 2003. Although I saw him several times over the next three and a half months, I was not a daily part of his life for over a year. While I was overseas Veronica talked about me and showed him pictures. When asked about me Zach would say “Daddy is driving his big truck.” And drive that big truck I did. I finally came home on leave in January of 2004. Although Veronica talked about me I was worried about Zach remembering me. The greeting at the airport was awesome. I picked up Zach and was hugging him along with everyone else. Zach seemed a little unsure about me holding him so I put him down and continued to hug and greet the rest of my family. Later my sister tells me that after I put him down Zach stood there and watched what was going on. He sees her watching him and he whispers to her “that is my dad.”

My return is a very special memory. The story of my son making sure Beth knew who I has a very special place in my heart.

Attention to Dad’s details

When I was in junior high and high school I worked for my dad. While other kids my age were making $3.25 an hour working at McDonalds or a grocery store somewhere I was making $7 an hour as an gofer for my dad. Dad was an electrician and would bid jobs in our area. At the time is was nice money just working a few of hours a night a few nights a week after dad got off his full time job.  I learned so much working on those jobs. Continue reading Attention to Dad’s details