First windows machine

I am writing this on my first “windows computer”. I decided I needed a new laptop and of course I would have much rather have bought a MacBook but my current financial situation does not allow me to buy one. I settled for a Dell laptop. It seems to be an ok machine. Windows is driving me a little bit crazy though. Some things that my Mac did on it’s own or with just a couple of mouse clicks I am now spending several minutes trying to figure out what I am doing. Over all I am sure I will be fine and because one of my first classes is windows it is probably  better that I at least have used a windows machine a little bit. Oh well, I will sell my old PowerBook and start a MacBook fund. Hopefully sooner or later I will be able to sell this machine.

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My name is Alex Cordry. I am have been married for over 20 years and my wife and I have 9 children. After 25 years working in a restaurant, I am now into my second career working as a web developer.